Scholarship Application
The Monmouth County Board of Agriculture is dedicated to supporting education in agriculture.
Scholarship Application
The Monmouth County Board of Agriculture (MCBOA) is dedicated to supporting education in agriculture. To accomplish this objective, the MCBOA has established a scholarship fund to support students entering post-secondary institutions to continue their education in the fields of agriculture and veterinary sciences. This application must be used to apply for the scholarship award(s). No other method of submission should be used, unless otherwise provided by the MCBOA. The MCBOA will award up to $500 per scholarship recipient.
The MCBOA scholarship has certain requirements that an applicant must meet prior to being considered for the scholarship award. The requirements include as follows:
(1) The applicant must be enrolled in a post-secondary educational institution and intend to complete a curriculum at a post-secondary educational institution that relates to the fields of agriculture or veterinary sciences.
(2) The applicant must reside within Monmouth County, New Jersey, or attend or have attended a secondary school in Monmouth County, New Jersey.
(3) The applicant must complete this scholarship application and submit a transcript from the applicant’s secondary school, and post-secondary educational institution if the applicant has completed at least one semester.
(4) The applicant must submit the completed scholarship application by May 10, unless otherwise provided by the MCBOA.
(5) No applicant may apply for this scholarship more than four (4) times. No applicant may be attending a post-secondary educational institution for a graduate or post-graduate program.
Frequently Asked Questions
What information is required?
The scholarship committee requires certain information to make a fair decision about the status of each applicant. Such information includes the individual's name; current contact information and residence; educational background, including currently attended institutions; other scholarships and grants received or applied for; relative experience in the industry; and membership to other clubs or organizations in agriculture.
What name should I use?
Please use the name that you would include on an official document, or that you have used at your high school and in applying to your post-secondary educational institution.
What sort of contact information must I provide?
Please provide the relevant contact information, including phone number(s), email address(es), and the address of your primary residence. If you are uncomfortable sharing this information with the MCBOA, please contact us. This information is used to contact applicants regarding the application process.
What does the committee need to know about my education?
Please provide information for your secondary school (i.e., high school) and the post-secondary educational institution (i.e., career and technical school, college, university, etc.). Please include the years for which you attended or plan to attend each school, pertinent educational information at each (i.e., standing and grades, degree sought or earned, etc.), and the cost of attendance for your post-secondary educational institution.
What is included in "relative industry experience"?
Please provide a history of your relevant experience in the agriculture or veterinary sciences fields. This may include, but is not limited to, work experience, including internships and field placements; personal experience on a family farm or other operation; and activities completed within an educational setting.
What should I include under membership and affiliations?
Please list the clubs, organizations, and other organized groups with which you have a membership or other form of participation. Such clubs and organizations may include the 4-H and FFA.
How is the application formatted?
The scholarship application may be downloaded in the PDF file format. A third-party application (i.e., Adobe Acrobat, Apple Preview, etc.) may be required to insert text into the document. Be sure to save your information as you complete the application. As a precaution, double-check that the information you have entered is viewable on another device before submitting it to the scholarship committee. Deadlines are adhered to unless otherwise altered by the Board.
When submitting the application to the scholarship committee, please keep the files to one document and as a PDF. Include your first and last name, "MCBOA Scholarship" and the current year (ex. Jane Doe - MCBOA Scholarship 20##).
What is the transcript requirement?
For your scholarship application to be considered complete, the scholarship committee requires a transcript from your secondary, and if applicable, post-secondary educational institution. If you are still in high school, please provide us with the most recently available transcript from your school. If you have already attended the first semester of a post-secondary educational institution, please submit both your high school transcript as well as the most recent transcript from the post-secondary educational institution.
Your transcript does not have to be official. An unofficial transcript with your name and academic information is suitable. However, please provide the scholarship committee with the contact information of your appropriate educational institution in case of the need to verify attendance or other transcript-related material. You may include the contact information on the transcript or in an attachment to your application.
What is the transcript requirement?
For your scholarship application to be considered complete, the scholarship committee requires a transcript from your secondary, and if applicable, post-secondary educational institution. If you are still in high school, please provide us with the most recently available transcript from your school. If you have already attended the first semester of a post-secondary educational institution, please submit both your high school transcript as well as the most recent transcript from the post-secondary educational institution.
Your transcript does not have to be official. An unofficial transcript with your name and academic information is suitable. However, please provide the scholarship committee with the contact information of your appropriate educational institution in case of the need to verify attendance or other transcript-related material. You may include the contact information on the transcript or in an attachment to your application.
Do I have to write an essay?
The scholarship application requires you to submit an essay of not more than 500 words on your experiences and interests in the field of agriculture and how you will use your education in an agriculture-related industry. Your essay should be typed and attached to the application in one file as detailed above (see "The application format").
Additionally, the scholarship application permits you to submit an optional personal statement of not more than 500 words on your academic, financial, and personal life circumstances that you believe the scholarship committee may find helpful in evaluating your application.
You may take creative discretion in writing your essay or essays. However, be mindful of the word limit and be sure to connect the essay to the specific prompt. Scholarship essays will help the scholarship committee determine the strongest candidate or candidates.
How do I submit the scholarship application?
Please note that your application submission must be postmarked, hand delivered, or submitted by e-mail to the following physical or e-mail address by May 10. Unless otherwise provided by the MCBOA, this deadline will be strictly followed. Please send by mail, hand deliver, or e-mail your scholarship application submission to:
Physical Address
Monmouth County Board of Agriculture
Attn: Scholarship Committee
4000 Kozloski Road, Box 5033
Freehold, N.J. 07728
Electronically (as a PDF)*
Scholarship Committee (c/o MCBOA Secretary)
*Applications submitted by e-mail will be considered on-time if received by May 10 at 11:59 PM.
Download the Application
Begin filling out your MCBOA Scholarship Application today. The newest version of the application is now available for you to access and download. Download the document by clicking the button or Google Drive link below. As a reminder, please be mindful of the May 10 deadline.